(This post was drafted long time ago but could not be published due to some circumstances… apologies for the same)
It’s been ages since I’ve put up any posts on my blog. I’ve been receiving several emails and messages in other formats, asking what I was up to. If I’d say I was too busy to write, it would be a lie. Yes, I was quite busy, but if there’s a will there’s a way. If my readers expect something from me, any reason I give would be an excuse. So, I’m sorry. Having got that out of the way, here’s a brief of what happened:
I had had frozen shoulder (and still suffer from it to some extent). After trying to get cured with the help of some physiotherapists, the pain continued each time she applied “mobilization”. So I was prescribed an MRI. The MRI revealed a cyst.
I was then told by my physiotherapist to consult an orthopedic. I consulted the best one out there, who told me that I need to get operated. Since there was a marriage in the family (Jan’20), I decided NOT to go for operation, I’d rather try alternatives. I wasn’t afraid of the operation, but I was afraid of any post operation complications that would interfere in the marriage arrangements. I then met an ayurvedic doctor who suggested ozone therapy. I did some research and found that he was listed as one of the official doctors to offer ozone treatment, at ozoneforumofindia.com. I went ahead and, to my surprise, found substantial relief. I cannot say for sure if it was only the ozone treatment, or the ayurvedic medicine that he had given, or a combination of both. But who was I to argue, as long as I found relief.
After the marriage got over, I did not pursue the treatment as I’m much better now. There is no pain in my “normal life”, but I can’t lift my hand beyond 90 degrees, and I find difficulty in a few activities, especially when wearing a shirt. What a lazy bum I am! Actually, I got involved on research related to health and well being. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking… “No big deal, we all do research on google“. I hear you. In fact, I strongly believe that “we all believe that we can do better research on google than everyone else”! However, the difference here is that I have actually been verifying my conclusions by experimenting on myself (and a few close friends). I have also been documenting this research and will be shortly publishing it, mostly in the form of books and other media.
Another update – I no longer consume nicotine. Yes, after 37 long years of addiction, I am finally tobacco-free for life! I had tried it several times in the past but had always failed. I fully credit my success to my research. I finally kicked it off on 5th Feb’20, to be precise. It was a straight cold turkey. Its been over a year today since then, and I’m 100% confident that I won’t start again. One of my friends even asked me – Would you write a book on “how to give up smoking”? I probably should. It would help a lot of folks. Unfortunately, I don’t like the words “give up” because it sounds like sacrificing. You are not sacrificing anything when you stop smoking, you are actually gaining something. You are saving money and improving your health. Its all about the mindset. But the normal world probably prefers to speak that way… I digress. Anyways, if I write the book, I’ll message it to my subscribers.
Finally, a few words on the Wuhan corona virus update (I know, right?) The Covid-19 corona virus has been the hottest topic everywhere. All of us have lots of questions, some answered, some not. So many myths are circulating around the virus, it becomes difficult to know what’s right and what’s wrong. I have also recently begun my share of studying and researching on this subject (just like you and everyone else on this planet who has access to an internet connection). Which is why I am thinking of….
Oh no, Samir I hope you’re not writing a book on the Covid-19 Corona Virus? Like “How to Prevent yourself from being infected from the corona virus” or “Covid-19 prevention and cure”?
No no, I wouldn’t dare to challenge your research skills by writing such a book. We already discussed that we’re all experts and better than each other, right? What I’ve planned to write is in some way connected to the corona virus and my research, but… let’s keep it suspense, shall we? Simply subscribe to my newsletter below and I’ll update you once I’m ready. Till then…
Stay safe!
– Samir Jhaveri
P.S.: I’m making a commitment today to make at least one post a month on my blog. I know its less, but at the current rate (18 posts in 3 years), its a 100% improvement. Let’s hope I stick to it… if not, please give me a kick on my behind and remind me, thanks!
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